The Alagwa people’s home area (Dodoma Region, central Tanzania) starts in agricultural lowlands of 1,200 metres (about 4,000 feet) above sea level. But the land is characterized by large hills reaching over 1,800 metres (6,000 feet) in elevation.

Those hills support wild game, and trees which supply the community with firewood. The soil there is hard and rocky. The Bubu River runs through the middle of the Alagwa area, supplying their lowlands with a consistent and clean water source. The soil in this area is much more fertile.

The higher regions suffer greatly from lack of water, and people there often must walk miles to collect water for their families. There is one rainy season, generally December through May depending on the year. Annual rainfall averages between 50-80 centimetres (20-30 inches). which generally start in December and continue through May depending on the year

The Alagwa are farmers. Their principal crops are maize and millet. Their cultivated fields are large, and relatively close to their homes or villages. The farming season corresponds with the rains. The Alagwa also keep livestock: cattle, goats and chickens.

Alagwa homes are made from fired bricks, and each village has at least one communal firing oven. There is a large high-ceilinged room in the middle of each house, where the door to the outside is the entrance. This room is used for cooking, sitting and welcoming guests. There are smaller rooms on either side of the main room, primarily for sleeping. The roof is made of either tin or grass. The grass roofs are very distinctive in that they peak high above the house.

Homes are often surrounded by high and sturdy fences made of grasses, reeds, and sticks. The area around every Alagwa home is swept clean of any debris, and each home has a neat and well-tended appearance. 

There are medical clinics in some areas, and the people claim to use them. However, there is also a traditional doctor in each village who is respected. The Tanzanian government has put schools within access to villages, and the community has responded by sending their children as well as keeping the school grounds well groomed.