written by Amy Wasylenka (Scripture Engagement worker)

Because the homesteads in the Sandawe area are quite spread out, it is sometimes difficult to make everyone aware of what is available in their language, so I try to go where the people are.

Five of the villages host a market each month, so people from the surrounding area come to buy supplies and visit with one another. I set up a table of Sandawe materials in the market and play Sandawe songs and stories. Many people are surprised when they see Sandawe language materials for sale such as calendars, tapes, and books.

The local clinic does medical runs by car or plane to some of the more remote villages. Many come from all over to see the nurses, get medicine and to have their babies checked, so it is another great opportunity to share God’s Word with a large group of Sandawe.

photo above: Distributing materials in Sandawe language on market day. (photo: Amy Wasylenka)