With his eyesight failing, a Zanaki man will never be able to read the Zanaki Scriptures for himself.

He had heard about the Zanaki Bible translation, but had not had much exposure to it himself. He was surprised to hear that not only is the Bible being translated but it is being recorded as well. With Zanaki audio Scriptures on a Megavoice player, he knows he can overcome his physical barriers and meet his spiritual need to hear God speak in his own language.

When he received an audio Bible at the end of the workshop his face lit up, “This is going to be such a help to me! I am going to use it every night.”

photo above: A family in Dodoma Region uses a MegaVoice player to listen to Scripture translated into their language. (photo: Albinus Waynse, Translation Dept Coordinator)

This story was written for SIL Tanzania by:

Kenny Grindall (Communications Coordinator)

SIL International is a global partner among academic and professional organisations which offer language development services. SIL works alongside speakers of more than 1,700 languages in over 100 countries. Active in Tanzania since 1989, the organization makes its services available to all without regard to religious belief, political ideology, gender, race or ethnolinguistic background.